Contact + Info
The Legacy Church
Sunday Worship Services
Please Join Us Every Sunday at 9AM & 11 AM and Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Get In Touch
The time to change is now! Jesus Is Calling!
120 Flowertown Road Normandy, TN 37360 Legacyconnectpastor@gmail.com
What to expect at Legacy Church.
We have service every Sunday morning at 9 AM & 11 AM. Each service lasts an hour to an hour and a half. We’d encourage you to arrive 15 minutes early, especially if you have young children, to give you plenty of time to get your children checked in prior to the service.
The Legacy Church is a "come as you are" church. We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and we want you to be more focused on who you’re worshiping than what you're wearing. In the summertime, it's not uncommon to see people wearing sandals, shorts, and a t-shirt. Most people dress casual, though a few still prefer to put on their "Sunday best," and that's fine too! We think you'll fit in no matter how you dress.
Each message is carefully designed with people just like you in mind: real people looking for real answers to issues they face everyday. At The Legacy Church, we're teaching God's timeless truths from the Bible that speak to where you're living today. Pastor Caleb is a dynamic speaker who will bring a challenging message that will help you grow into the person that God wants you to be.
Our Worship Team uses different instruments and voices on the platform to lead us into God’s presence. We believe in passionate heart felt worship. There is freedom to sing, clap, raise hands, and express celebration and worship from the heart.
Legacy Kids is the children's ministry of The Legacy Church. There kids will enjoy high energy worship, followed by innovative bible teaching each Sunday morning.
Our Nursery is Newborn to 4 years old. Nursery is available during Sunday morning service. Our nursery is staffed with screened, qualified workers who love children and strive to make the Legacy Nursery a fun and loving atmosphere. Parents will need to check children in before service and check them out after service.
Our Elementary class is from 1st thru 5th grade. It is a high intensity class with in-depth Bible lessons, object lessons, Crafts, Games, high energy Praise & Worship and activities.
Parents may begin their check in at 10:00 am. Children's service will end the same time as the adult service.
Parents will then check their kids out at the end of service at the same check in desk.
Legacy Youth is not your normal youth ministry. It includes Middle and High School students and is designed to impact this generation!
Legacy Youth gives students the opportunity to experience God as they are challenged to leave their mark, the mark of Christ, on their generation. Activities include a weekly youth service Wednesday’s at 6:00 pm, campus ministry, youth worship team, outings, retreats, summer camp, and much more.
Yes, The Legacy Church is part of the Assemblies of God. We are Assemblies of God theologically, although our structure and programs may not resemble what you may have encountered in another Assembly of God church. Since the Assemblies of God believes in the autonomy of the local church, we are free to determine how our church functions and what programs are offered.